Dinar & Dirham Price Comparison

The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham industry is a young industry, with many of our respected brothers and sisters working towards improving its efficiency and value proposition.

The chart below is for information purposes only. This comparison is not intended to pass judgement on the good faith and intentions of any of these, since we know that every producer operates in different and unique environments and challenges, and many of them have extra costs of educating the masses and promoting the movement.

For an explanation of official WIM pricing, please visit this link

Note that for the past two years, Dinar Wakala has consistently been providing the community with the heighest value in terms of Dirhams and practically the best value for Dinars, since Indonesia does not allow the only other company lower than us to export them outside.

No. Producer/Provider Name Dinar (Adjusted)* Dirham Last Updated
1. Dinar Wakala $268 $5.5 Dec 19, 2012
2. E-Dinar $273.7 $6.63 Dec 19, 2012
Dinar 22K is $250.91. Price shown is adjusted for 24K purity.
3. Wakala Induk Nusantara 283.2 7.25 Dec 19, 2012
Price for Dinar 22K is IDR 2,506,000 equivalent to $259.6. Adjusted for 24K here.
Price for Dirham is IDR 70,000, equivalent to $7.25.
4. Ayn Gold $311 $7.9 Dec 19, 2012
Price for Dinar 22K is £175.99. Adjusted for 24K here.
Price for Dirham is £4.87.
5. Kelantan Golden Trade $284 $8.18 Dec 19, 2012
Price for Dinar 22K is RM 260.667, equivalent to $260.6. Adjusted for 24K here.
Dirham is RM 25.
6. Dinar First $238.87 $5.8 Dec 20, 2012
Price for Dinar 22K is IDR 2,112,000, equivalent to $218.97. Adjusted for 24K here.
Dirham is IDR 56,000.
7. SRD Worldwide $294.18 $6.2 Dec 20, 2012
Price for Dinar 24K is RM 899, equivalent to $294.18. Dirham is RM 19.00